Welcome to Elemental First Aid,
a proud WSIB approved training
provider of code 8,
a division of Emergmart.

Control The Bleed Canada

Immediate Responder Bleed Control Canada

A policy officer standing next to a girl crying

In response to the Sandy Hook tragedy in 2012, medical and law enforcement professionals met in Hartford, Connecticut, and recognized that individuals on-site in mass casualty events must provide immediate life-saving aid, as professional responders often cannot reach victims in time to prevent death from severe bleeding. This led to the creation of “Immediate Responders”—ordinary people trained in military bleeding control techniques to assist on the spot. The Hartford Consensus emphasizes the importance of equipping various locations with people trained in these critical, easy-to-learn skills, including:

  • Workplaces, Offices, Factories, Warehouses
  • Houses of Worship, Schools, Colleges, and Universities
  • Shopping Malls, Theaters, Bars, Restaurants, Concert Halls
  • Hospitals and Medical Care Facilities
  • Hotels, Motels, Convention Centers

Training Immediate Responders in these locations can enhance preparedness and save lives.

Save Lives On The Incident Scene

The goal is to train people in controlling severe bleeding, as quick, appropriate action can mean the difference between life and death. While standard first aid can handle cuts, life-threatening bleeding requires military-style tourniquets and wound packing. Tourniquets are crucial for arm and leg injuries, while wound packing addresses bleeding from the groin, neck, or armpit. For chest and abdominal injuries, rapid transport to a trauma center is essential.

Committee For Tactical Emergency Casualty Care

“The Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care was originally convened to speed the transition of military medical lessons learned from battlefield to evidence and best-practice based operational medical guidance for medical response and treatment of the injured during high risk and atypical civilian operational scenarios.”

Emergmart is a Recognized Educational Provider of the Committee for Tactical Emergency Casualty Care. As such we are proud to display this Recognized Educational Content badge. 

Emergmart has pledged to uphold the highest ethical standards in our training programs. We have committed to a regular review of our training materials to ensure our content is up to date and relevant. 

Recognized educational content

Tragic Loss of Life

A lady unconscious on the ground

An estimated 2,400 Canadians bleed to death each year due to various causes, including stabbings, gunshots, workplace accidents, and home or road incidents. Control The Bleed Canada focuses on effective methods for managing severe bleeding, emphasizing that tourniquets are effective for arm and leg injuries but cannot be applied in areas where the torso meets a joint, such as the armpits or groin, where wound packing is necessary. However, severe bleeding injuries to the chest, abdomen, or back cannot be managed through wound packing, and immediate transport to a trauma center is essential for surgical intervention to save lives in those cases.

Control The Bleed Canada Kits

Control The Bleed Canada Kits contain essential medical devices and supplies to immediately control catastrophic bleeding.

Our bright orange military-style tourniquet has a metal windlass, which, unlike plastic, is unlikely to bend or break. 

Th 6″ Israeli Bandage is designed to treat severe injuries by applying considerable pressure to the wound.

There may be more than one injury or multi casualties so the kit has extra supplies. Gauze pads may be used to evacuate wounds to locate bleeding. Abdominal pads are highly absorbent and are used to cover wounds. Conforming bandage rolls are used to pack severe wounds or bind dressings in place. Elastic bandages are used on wounds requiring a lot of pressure.  

Foil rescue blankets are essential to retain body heat and fight shock. Paramedic Shears will cut through the heaviest clothing. Nitrile gloves and antiseptic hand wipes are used to protect the rescuer. Soiled, potentially infected biological materials can be safely disposed of in the biohazard bag.

Control The Bleed Canada

Victims suffering severe injuries can bleed out in minutes. A trauma study estimates that 2,400 Canadians bleed to death every year. Emergency services (police, fire, paramedic) rarely arrive on time. 

Saving life in these situations is entirely dependent on rapid action by Immediate Responders, ordinary people, who are trained and equipped, and are already on the scene. 

This program trains ordinary citizens and first responders to control catastrophic bleeding with military style tourniquets, wound packing and advanced bandaging techniques. 

Control The Bleed Canada courses are available online.


Registering for Control The Bleed Training Programs

Purchase Course

Complete Online Training

Enrolling in our Code Eight First Aid, CPR/AED and Control The Bleed programs is simple. Choose your on-line course and purchase with your credit or debit card or use PayPal. 

Complete the on-line learning portion at your own speed in the comfort of your home or place of work. 

Training First Responders and ordinary citizens to control catastrophic bleeding.

It all started with the terrible tragedy of the Sandyhook Elementary School massacre in Newtown Connecticut. That event resulted in the Hartford Consensus, which brought experts from many disciplines together to find better methods and procedures in mass casualty incidents.

People can bleed to death from vehicle collisions, workplace incidents, fires & explosions, criminal events and a host of other causes. Brief introduction to surviving an Active Shooter/Attacker event. 

Effectively calling 9-1-1. Checking for hazards before entering a danger zone. Importance of biohazard protection. Understanding triage – the importance of prioritizing which victims need help.

Initial patient contact, exposing wounds and rapidly assessing injuries. Identifying life threatening injuries. Understanding the significance of arm/leg, junctional and torso injuries.

Military tourniquets are best. Tourniquet considerations and step by step application. Tourniquet pain and common tourniquet errors.

Evacuating the wound to locate the bleed. Packing the wound with cloth, first aid gauze or hemostatic dressings. Advanced bandaging techniques including the Emergency (Israeli) Bandage.

Treating children. Cleanup and glove removal. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Carleton Place 

5 Bates Drive Unit 14C K7C 4J8

Smith Falls

42 Union Street Unit 1 K7A 5C4


(613) 621-4357

We are open daily from 9:00am-9:00pm.